Tag: Podcast
Ep 169: Pathological Science with Ken Hite
Feast your ears on scientific crankery as the boys talk pathological science with Ken Hite! Pathological Science deals with experiments and results that didn’t quite pan out as true, yet the myths remain and the misinformation carries on. Writer and game designer Ken Hite returns to the podcast to discuss such fun things as cold…
Ep 168: 2016 Milwaukee Paracon
Take a road trip with Flora, Stecco, and Dark Mark Soloff as they experience the 2016 Milwaukee Paracon! With an atypical on-the-road style of episode, the boys discuss the 2016 Milwaukee Paracon before, during, and after it happened. Each host manned the merch table, visited a different paranormal panel, and met a ton of cool…
Ep 167: Pliny the Elder
The time has come for the Roman showman himself, Pliny the Elder! A moderately-known figure from Roman history, Pliny the Elder led a fascinating life and often comes up in Forteana because of his writings. The boys of Blurry Photos go over his life and accomplishments, including his most famous work, Natural History. Was he…
Ep 166: The Yonaguni Monument
Check your SCUBA gear and get the pun chum bucketed, Blurry Photos are going diving to the Yonaguni Monument! An underwater mystery discovered in the last 30 years, the Yonaguni Monument is a possible ancient Japanese structure which sank beneath the waves thousands of years ago. Or is it? David and Dave explore the theories…
Ep 164: The Murder of Charles Walton
The boys travel to 1945 England to investigate the strange murder of Charles Walton. An unsolved mystery since 1945, the murder of Charles Walton has been attributed to witchcraft, druidry, greed, grims, and anything in between. What happened to a poor old farm laborer from Warwickshire on a cold February day? Rumors swirled about his…
Ep 163: Demonology
The sigils are etched and the circle is protecting as Dave and David summon an episode about demonology! The study of demons etc., demonology stretches as far back as recorded history, but how credible is it in practice and lore? The boys look at the etymology of demons, a few cultures and demons in their…
Ep 162: Haunted Forests
Blurry Photober is upon us once again, and the boys start hot with an episode about Haunted Forests! Few environments are more mysterious and menacing than forests, and the terror is cranked up even more when they’re haunted forests. David and Dave explore the many different weird woodlands around the world in this episode of creepy…
BullStone 21: The Eastern Border, September 2016
Flora and Stecco have a real treat for you, as they welcome the host of The Eastern Border Podcast, Kristaps Andrejsons to BullStone! A podcast about the politics and the history of eastern Europe, The Eastern Border is a Dark Myths comrade and Kristaps has plenty of interesting stories from September. Topics are hot, covering everything…
Ep 161: Black Holes
Get your lab coats on and grab your chalk, Blurry Photos is putting the theory of black holes on the podcast chalkboard! One of the cosmos’ most mysterious and disturbing phenomenons, black holes are powerful points of extreme gravity in spacetime where physics stops playing nice. The boys explore what has been postulated and what…
Ep 160: Narco Saints
Dave and David grab the flowers and votives for a virtual trip to Mexico to look at Narco Saints. A relatively recent evolution of Catholicism in Mexico, Narco Saints are figures of the church and folklore venerated by the destitute and criminals. Figures such as Santa Muerte, Juan el Soldado, and San Ramon Nonato provide…
BullStone 20: General Ironicus, August 2016
Friend of the podcast Grant joins the Davids to talk about his new project History Honeys and weird August news in this edition of BullStone! Grant a.k.a. General Ironicus, has a new podcast called History Honeys which tells all about lesser-known events in history, and shares some weird news he found from the month of…
Ep 158: The Rendlesham Forest Incident
Fire up the ‘ole starlight scope and grab a torch or two, the Davids are dragging you into the night to experience the Rendlesham Forest Incident. One of the more famous possible close encounters of our time, the Rendlesham Forest Incident was a UFO event witnessed by multiple US Airmen in 1980. With several written statements,…
Ep 157: Numerology
Get the abacus ready and stretch those counting fingers, David and Dave are talking numerology in this episode! A new age system of divination that supposedly has roots as far back as ancient Babylon, numerology is said to hold esoteric secrets in everyday numbers. Flora and Stecco dive into the origins of this allegedly sacred art,…
Ep 156: La Llorona
Saddle up, greenhorns, it’s time for a Blurry Photos narrative on La Llorona! A legend of Mexican folklore, La Llorona is the story of the ghost of a regretful woman searching for her children whom she killed in jealous rage. David and Dave don their storytellin’ hats and weave an informational narrative of the cursed…
Ep 155: Angkor Wat
Grab a handkerchief for the sweat and watch your step for snakes, Blurry Photos are taking you to the jungle and Angkor Wat! The largest religious complex in the world, Angkor Wat is a marvel of engineering and architecture in the Cambodian jungle but is often overlooked in history books. The Davids hack their way…
BullStone 19: Gettin’ Strange, July 2016
Blurry Photos are bringing the heat with some sizzling July BullStone strangeness! Flora and Stecco have found some news from the medical world, space, cycling, NASA, and a peppering of other oddities for this BullStone. How much brain does one need to live? Are cyclists in the Tour de France techno-doping? What would you do…
Ep 154: Josef Mengele
The Davids put a microscope on one of history’s most notorious dealers of evil, Josef Mengele. Known for his time as a doctor at Auschwitz during WWII, Josef Mengele came to be called the Angel of Death for his role in atrocious experiments and control of people’s fates. Blurry Photos examine his life, including education,…
Ep 153: The Dark Web
Time to log on and disappear, the boys of Blurry Photos are diving into the Dark Web! A part of our connected world that many don’t even think about, the Dark Web is full of urban legends and touted as being a seedy underworld haven for criminal activity. But how much of that is true…
BullStone 18: Rumor Flies, June 2016
Blurry Photos keeps a New Orleans trend going welcoming Ryan and Josh from the Rumor Flies podcast to BullStone! Rumor Flies seeks to dispel common “mythconceptions” of popular legends, myths, and rumors, and Ryan and Josh join the boys to talk about weird June news. After an introduction to them and some New Orleans discussion, topics…
Ep 151: The Axeman of New Orleans
Leave the lights on and make sure some jazz is playing, the Axeman of New Orleans is striking Blurry Photos! A horrific true crime account of an early 20th century serial killer, the Axeman of New Orleans terrorized the folks of the Big Easy yet his identity remains a mystery. Flora and Stecco put on detective…
Ep 150: Monster Hunters with Tea Krulos
Flora and Stecco had a chance to chat with Tea Krulos, author of Monster Hunters in this episode! A freelance writer and author from Milwaukee, WI, and also founder of the MKE Paracon, Tea Krulos joins the boys to discuss his latest book, Monster Hunters. From paranormal investigators to proprietors of cryptozoological sites, the book…
Episode 149: The Codex Gigas
Grab your gloves and good luck charms as Blurry Photos dive into the Codex Gigas! Commonly called “The Devil’s Bible,” the Codex Gigas is a legendary medieval manuscript that’s huge, old, and… cursed? Flora and Stecco take a look at its interesting history as well as its contents and design. The real fun lies in…
Miss Cryptid 2016 Week 3
The last of the beautifully gruesome contestants march across the audio stage with week 3 of the 2016 Miss Cryptid Contest! The final week of the 2016 Miss Cryptid Contest brings us the Agogwe of East Africa, Snallygaster of rural Maryland, and the Crazy Critter of Bald Mt. Washington. Which of these fine fearsome ladies will…
Episode 148: The Winchester Mystery House
Time to build a mystery with Blurry Photos as Flora and Stecco take a tour of the Winchester Mystery House! An immense complex of twisting halls and odd architecture, the Winchester Mystery House was the strange conceptualization of the reclusive heiress Sarah Winchester. It now stands as a tourist attraction, but during its construction it…
Miss Cryptid 2016 Week 2
Three more elaborately festooned contestants parade before you in Week 2 of the 2016 Miss Cryptid Contest! New England and India send their Miss Cryptid picks in the form of the Astomi, Pigman of Northfield, and the Pukwudgie. Devilish imps, mouthless wimps, and swiney crimps are on the menu, and it’ll be up to you to…
Episode 147: Spontaneous Human Combustion
Fire up the media player and put the oven mitts on, Blurry Photos dive into spontaneous human combustion in this one! Urban legend or scientific possibility? That’s the sizzling question everyone wants to know about spontaneous human combustion. Is it possible for a person to burst into flames and incinerate suddenly and horribly? The boys…
Miss Cryptid 2016 Week 1
Once again we gather to stare, mouths agape, at the freakiest of the freaks in the 2016 Miss Cryptid Contest! Week 1 of this year’s Miss Cryptid Contest features the Athol of Java, the Cornish Owlman, and the Arkansas Gowrow. It’s a week of terrorizing tidbits from across the globe. Which crazy creature will capture…