Tag: Japan
Miss Cryptid 2019 Week 1
The carpets have been shampooed, the curtains ironed, and the stun batons charged which can only mean one thing – it’s time for the 2019 Miss Cryptid Contest! The 7th annual Miss Cryptid Contest kicks off with the Nain Rouge from Detroit, Japan’s Uwabami, and the Ningen from the waters off Antarctica. Will a Detroit…
Ep 166: The Yonaguni Monument
Check your SCUBA gear and get the pun chum bucketed, Blurry Photos are going diving to the Yonaguni Monument! An underwater mystery discovered in the last 30 years, the Yonaguni Monument is a possible ancient Japanese structure which sank beneath the waves thousands of years ago. Or is it? David and Dave explore the theories…
Episode 30: Yokai
The boys of Blurry Photos keep their passports handy and travel this time to “the land of the rising sun” to check out Yokai. Steeped in folklore and the veneration of nature spirits, Yokai are the Japanese culture’s physical embodiment of nature’s energy, be it good or bad. Flora and Stecco discuss a little bit…