Flora and Stecco wake the prophet in this Edgar Cayce-palooza. Considered by many to be the father of the New Age movement, Edgar Cayce is perhaps the most famous American clairvoyant to date. From humble beginnings in Kentucky to heading his own center for psychic research, Cayce sought to help those that came to him through alleged psychic powers. It’s said he was able to access The Akashic Records whilst in a self-hypnotized state, and answered questions from health disorders to stock market projections. But who was this quiet, well-meaning man, and did he really have such abilities? Blurry Photos delve deep into his life and times and look for the truth. There’s no listener mail this episode, but there is a supplemental brewing. You don’t have to go to a prophet to learn that this podcast will be better than a dry goods store full of sorghum! (A.R.E. site, Cayce Summary, Skepdic Entry)