Look – up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s mind-controlling chemicals that are making the rich richer and giving you all kinds of diseases! Blurry Photos takes to the not-so-friendly skies in this episode all about chemtrails. A conspiracy theory that took off in the 90’s, chemtrails have been the subject of much paranoia and scrutiny owing to a lot of misinformation and fabrication. Are the trails left by planes in the sky harmless? Believers in the conspiracy say the government or the NWO are lacing the sky with everything from metal particles to aerosolized diseases. Skeptics argue the trails are nothing more than condensation. When both sides claim science is on their team, who can you believe? You can start with Flora and Stecco, who discuss the ins and outs of the theory in this episode of the podcast! (More info: An Article, Another Article, A Skeptic Blog, A NASA Study)