Author WT Watson is back once again to talk about his newest book Canadian Monsters & Mysteries! Flora welcomes WT Watson back for some great tales and lore from his book Canadian Monsters & Mysteries, available now! Covering a huge variety of subject matter, Travis’ book runs the gamut from cryptids to UFOs and even some surprises in between. Canada is not the first place you’d think of for fae folk, but Travis proves us wrong. It also does not come to mind for mer-folk, yet… Check out the interview and then check out Travis’ book. And while you’re at it, check out another episode of Blurry Photos featuring Travis and his other works!
Find Canadian Monsters & Mysteries on Amazon!
Don’t forget to check out Travis’ book Mysteries in the Mist
Biography from Amazon
W. T. Watson is a coffee addict and writer of both fiction and non-fiction. He infuses his work with his expertise in cryptozoology, monster lore, magic, Forteana and the paranormal. W.T. brings a unique shamanic and magical perspective to all his work after over 30 years of exploration in these topics. When he is not writing or reading about monsters, he can be found outdoors allowing his dogs to take him for a walk around his neighborhood in Kitchener, Ontario. He lives with his spouse, Stacey, in a townhome that would be jammed with books if it weren’t for e-readers.
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