Marshmallows? Check. Hammock? Check. Spine-tingling campfire ghost stories and some extra jorts? Check yeah! Flora brings the campfire ghost stories fright with a couple shivery shorts, a classic of English Lit, and gory little poem! Dark shadows on the stairs might be the least threatening thing at this campsite. If you want safety and security at your camp, just be careful what you wish for. And don’t forget to follow the rules, like no wandering off in the forest alone. Other than that, enjoy some homemade Irish stew and relax by the fire – or between the fires. Or just build fire all around you, fire good, fire safe. At least for this episode of Blurry Photos!
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Myst on the Moor, Danse Macabre, Fantastic Dim Bar, This House – Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Ghost Story, Phantom of the Flannans, Sorow, The Night – Co.Ag Music (YouTube)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
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