WARNING: This episode has extremely explicit content. Listener discretion is strongly advised.
Blurry Photober kicks off with an incredibly eerie episode about Creepy Cults. Three Creepy Cults are examined, including Aum Shinrikyo, the Ant Hill Kids, and the Marcus Wesson Family. Flora sifts through this heavy topic and tries to suss out the info from the hyperbole. Cults exist in a grey area of accepted but not really trusted. These three examples prove just why cults are often regarded suspiciously. Aum Shinrikyo launched one of the worst terrorist attacks against the public in Japan’s history. The Ant Hill Kids was headed up by someone who proved to be one of the most notorious men in Canada’s history. And Marcus Wesson presided over one of the worst tragedies in Fresno, California’s history. David breaks down the timelines for each cult, giving a background, description of activities, and ultimate fate for them. This episode is not for the faint of heart. Serious and tragic issues such as rape, incest, murder, torture, and child molestation is discussed. Please be forewarned.
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Myst on the Moor, Snowdrop – Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
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So Cold, Garden of Gethsemane, Red Tears, Cut the Glass Rose, He Lies Broken by Your Shame, Elise Will Take You and Show You No Mercy, Dark Rage, The Witches They Weren’t Able to Burn – Co.Ag Music (https://www.facebook.com/COAG-Music-146339785905623/)
- DeLong, William. Aum Shinrikyo Believed They Alone Would Survive The Apocalypse – So They Decided To Start It On Their Own. All That is Interesting. Apr 24, 2018. Web. https://allthatsinteresting.com/aum-shinrikyo
Ito, Masami. Cult Attraction: Aum Shinrikyo’s Power of Persuasion. Japan Times. Mar 24, 2015. Web. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2015/03/14/national/history/cult-attraction-aum-shinrikyos-power-persuasion/#.XZlktudKgUt
Baffelli, Erica, and Reader, Ian. The Aim Shinrikyo Executions: Why Now? Fair Observer. Jul 13, 2018. Web. https://www.fairobserver.com/region/asia_pacific/aum-shinrikyo-asahara-shoko-execution-tokyo-subway-attack-japan-news-71111/
Moore, Jonathan J. Secret Societies and Crazy Cults. New Burlington Books. London. 2018.
Blanco, Juan Ignacio. Roch Theriault. Murderpedia. Web. https://murderpedia.org/male.T/t/theriault-roch.htm
Roch Theriault and the Ant Hill Kids. Grim Happenings. Sep 8, 2017. Web. https://grimhappenings.com/roch-theriault-ant-hill-kids
McPadden, Mike. Roch Thériault: The Horrifying Savagery (& Home Surgery) Of Canada’s Most Violent Cult Leader. Investigation Discovery. Sep 28, 2017. Web. https://www.investigationdiscovery.com/crimefeed/murder/roch-theriault-the-horrifying-savagery-home-surgery-of-canadas-most-violent-cult-leader
Bartlette, DeLani R. Marcus Wesson: Vampire King of Fresno. Medium. Jun 17, 2019. Web. https://medium.com/@delanirbartlette/marcus-wesson-vampire-king-of-fresno-c362bb15ec7b
Blanco, Juan Ignacio. Marcus Delon Wesson. Murderpedia. Web. https://murderpedia.org/male.W/w/wesson-marcus.htm
Fontana, Cyndee, Anderson, Barbara, and Coleman, Donal E. The Many Portraits of Marcus Wesson. The Fresno Bee. Apr 18, 2004. Web Archive. https://culteducation.com/group/1225-the-wesson-family/21877-the-many-portraits-of-marcus-wesson-.html
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