The saga of John Dee continues in a massive second part of the episode. The second half of John Dee’s life was even wilder than his first, scrying with Edward Kelley and writing down the angelic language. Flora continues an incredibly deep dive into the polymath’s life, detailing his actions with Kelley, travels abroad, and his death. It’s perhaps the most publicized part of his life. Countless esoteric and mystical pursuits have been inspired by the work he did in this period. David rounds out the misunderstood mathematician’s life and discusses thoughts on his and Kelley’s work. He also speaks to some out there theories on Dee’s pursuits. Special thanks goes to author and historian Benjamin Woolley for joining to speak about many aspects of Dee’s life and works. Make sure to pick up a copy of The Queen’s Conjurer: The Life and Magic of Dr. Dee, an amazing resource for this massive 2 parter! Clear the schedule and polish the shewstone, this dee-luxe episode is dee-lectible! Part 1 can be found HERE
Myst on the Moor, Temple of the Manes, Rites, Ritual, Danse Macabre – Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Praeludium by Pachelbel Performed by Gosse Hulzinga, Public Domain
Ciacona in D minor by Pachelbel Performed by Gosse Hulzinga, Public Domain
La notte by Liszt Conductor Mauro Tortorelli, Public Domain
Swan Lake by Tchaikovsky European Archive, Public Domain
The Seasons, Op. 37a – VI. June: Barcarolle by Tchaikovsky Conductor Peter Bradley-Fulgoni, Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International
Grand Flamenco by JRS Schattenberg
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
Music Credit: OurMusicBox (Jay Man)
Track Name: “Spy And Die”
Music By: Jay Man @ https://ourmusicbox.com/
Official “OurMusicBox” YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/c/ourmusicbox
License for commercial use: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/…
Music promoted by NCM https://goo.gl/fh3rEJ
- Woolley, Benjamin. The Queen’s Conjurer: the Life and Magic of Dr Dee. Harper Press. London. 2001. Print. Get a copy HERE
- Louv, Jason. John Dee and the Empire of Angels. Inner Traditions. Vermont. 2018. Print. Get a copy HERE
- Smith, Charlotte Fell. The Life of Dr. John Dee. Constable & Company. London. 1909.
- Tomatis, Mariano. Soyga: the Book that Kills. Blog of Wonders. Apr. 23, 2012. Web. https://archive.org/details/truefaithfulrela00deej/page/n7
- Casaubon, Meric. A True and Faithful Relation of What passed for many Years Between D. John Dee and Some Spirits. Maxwell. London. 1659. https://archive.org/details/truefaithfulrela00deej/page/n7
- Rampling, Jennifer. John Dee and the Sciences: Early Modern Networks of Knowledge. Elsevier, Ltd. Cambridge. 2012. Web. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3778877/
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