Flora welcomes fellow podcaster and Man-About-Ufology, Ryan Sprague! Author, UFO Journalist, TV host, and host of Somewhere in the Skies podcast, Ryan Sprague has his finger on the pulse of current UFO topics. He joins Blurry Photos to discuss what’s been going on in the news lately in the field of Ufology. More and more stories are coming out about UFO sightings by the military, disclosure, and folks involved with it all. David hasn’t been keeping tabs on it, so he brought in someone to break down all the fascinating chaos in the zeitgeist. Topics such as TTSA, Bob Lazar, Jeremy Corbell, Tic Tac UFOs, and Area 51 are discussed. What is everyone talking about these days? Why does there seem to be so much anger involved? What’s going to happen with the Area 51 “Raid”? Flora seeks the answers to these and more on this topical episode of Blurry Photos!
Myst on the Moor – Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
- Nominate Blurry Photos and Quiz Quiz Bang Bang for a Podcast Award HERE
- Find Ryan’s podcast HERE
- Grab a copy of Ryan’s book HERE (use this affiliate link to help Blurry Photos with your purchase!)
- Frank, Allegra. More than 1 million people have RSVP’d to “storm Area 51,” in the name of memes. Vox.com. Jul. 15, 2019. Web. https://www.vox.com/culture/2019/7/12/20691720/storm-area-51-facebook-event-meme
- To The Stars Academy website: https://dpo.tothestarsacademy.com/
- Kloor, Keith. The Navy Admits Something Weird Has Been Going On in the Skies. Slate.com. Apr. 30, 2019. Web. https://slate.com/technology/2019/04/navy-ufo-reporting-guidelines-nimitz-aliens-military.html
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