Questions, enigmas, and mystery are in high order when investigating the lead masks of Vintem Hill. When two men were found dead with weird masks on a Brazilian hill in 1966, everything from murder to UFOs was put forth to explain the lead masks of Vintem Hill. Flora takes you through the case from the discovery of the bodies to the reports connected to them over the years. What could have happened to Miguel Viana and Manuel da Cruz in the suburb of Niteroi, Brazil? Why did they have little lead masks with them? The mystery only deepened when reports came out of UFO activity around the time and place the men were supposedly at before their deaths. Get out your sleuthing stuff and brush up on your Portuguese, this is one hot cold case!
Ghostpocalypse 6 – Crossing the Threshold, Ghostpocalypse 8: Epilog, I Can Feel It Coming, Leblon, Modern Jazz Samba, Night on the Docks, Satiate, Suvaco do Cristo, Myst on the Moor – Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Bowen, C. “The Mystery of the Morro do Vintem: How Did the Men with the Lead Masks Die?” Flying Saucer Review. Mar-Apr 1967, Volume 13, Number 2: 11-14. http://www.noufors.com/Documents/Books,%20Manuals%20and%20Published%20Papers/Specialty%20UFO%20Publications/Flying%20Saucer%20Review/FSR,1967,Mar-Apr,V%2013,N%202.pdf
- Bowen, C. “No Easy Solution to the Morro Mystery” Flying Saucer Review. Jun-Jul 1968, Volume 14, Number 4: 11-14. http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/Bowen,Deaths%201966%20at%20Morro%20Vintem,FSR68V14N4.pdf
- APRO. “Strange Deaths in Brazil.” The APRO Bulletin. 1 Sep. 1966, Volume 1966, Number 5: 1, 3.
- Staff. “Brazil: Lead Mask Mystery” Flying Saucer Review. Nov-Dec 1966, Volume 12, Number 6: 11-14.
- Ortega, Xavier. “The Mysterious Lead Masks Case.” 18 Sept. 2011. Ghost Theory website. http://www.ghosttheory.com/2011/09/18/the-mysterious-lead-masks-case
- Creighton, Gordon. “Follow-up On the Morro Do Vintem Mystery.” Flying Saucer Review. Jul-Aug 1971, Volume 17, Number 4: 6-9. http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201971%20V%2017%20N%204.pdf
- Conradt, Stacy. “The Bizarre Lead Masks Deaths of 1966.” 22 Oct. 2015. Mental Floss website. http://mentalfloss.com/article/70161/bizarre-lead-mask-deaths-1966
- True Noir. “The Lead Masks Case: Mysterious Deaths on Vintem Hill.” 16 March 2017. True Noir website. https://truenoirstories.wordpress.com/2017/03/16/the-lead-masks-case-mysterious-deaths-on-vintem-hill/
- Ultima Hora. Various Articles. Ultima Hora newspaper. 24-30 Aug, 2 Sep 1966. http://www.arquivoestado.sp.gov.br/site/acervo/uh_digital/index/2636
- Machado, Jose. “Experiencia cientifica e que matou tecnicos em eletronica.” Jornal do Brasil. 25 Aug 1966. pg 16. https://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=0qX8s2k1IRwC&dat=19660825&printsec=frontpage&hl=en
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