In the last installment of the Blurry Photos break bonus episodes, here is the stand up set from Divad’s visit to Omaha! A newly-crowned king of catch phrase comedy, Divad brings his weirdly-charming sense of humor to his buddies in Omaha. Shovel some coal into your Haak Fuorstahp and put on your goat-shearing cologne, you miiiiight be his buddy! Blurry Photos will return on St. Patrick’s Day with the kickoff to Season 6. Make sure to subscribe on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, etc. so you don’t miss an episode. Visit the Threadless store for new merchandise like phone cases and mugs! And become a Patron on Patreon to get lots of cool audio rewards and to hang out with us on a live stream once a month. Thanks for being Blurrievers, and we hope you’ve enjoyed the silliness of this season break!