Welcome to Candy Chat! Blurry Photos is nice enough to host Betty and Tabitha’s show on sugar and treatise on treats, Candy Chat. Join the ladies as they review different confections and try new sweets. This episode is all fruity, as the ladies try Starburst Jelly Beans, Mike & Ike Jolly Joes, and Skittles Darkside. Which ones will delight and which will disappoint? Find out on the Candy Chat podcast! Special thanks to David and Dave of Blurry Photos.
One response to “BP Bonus – Candy Chat #1”
[…] eftersom de snabbt bygger upp en stor reserv av återkommande skämt och referenser, inklusive ett antal spinoff-podcast som kan tyckas smått bisarra om man inte vet vad de har sina ursprung i. Inget avsnitt kräver mycket förkunskaper om fenomenen […]