A podcast that explores the unexplained and explains the unexplored, Blurry Photos seeks the facts behind the fiction of the world’s most fascinating, unbelievable, and chilling mysteries and legends. Focusing on lesser-known topics of Forteana, conspiracy, history, and folklore, Blurry Photos is driven by the desire for a better understanding of fringe subjects through research, storytelling, and rational thinking. Listeners have said it’s like a contemporary audio version of “In Search Of,” and it’s “like Lore with a personality and a better narrator.” Prepare your butts, because it’s time to learn something weird.
Note: Older episodes had a more light-hearted, comedy-inspired focus with original sketches for intros/outros and improv mixed with information supplied by co-hosts Dave Stecco and David Flora. Since Stecco’s departure in January 2018, the tone has shifted to a more informational and storytelling focus with Flora at the helm.

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David Flora is a Kentucky-born, Colorado-based actor, director, and podcaster. He has a B.A. in Dramatic Arts and Music from Centre College in Danville, KY, and he also has a super-awesome and totally legit correspondence degree in Astrology/Parapsychology from Stratford Career Institute. In addition to Blurry Photos, he also co-hosts a trivia podcast, Quiz Quiz Bang Bang, another paranormal podcast, Hysteria 51, and a short-lived short story podcast, 5-Minute Frights. He is also the Artistic Director of the Firebird Theatre Co. in Crested Butte, CO. You can hear more of his narration by searching his name on Audible or Amazon, where he has numerous audiobooks as well.