Brace yourselves as Blurry Photos pull up alongside you and unleash a full broadside of Blackbeard! Perhaps the most famous pirate of all time, Blackbeard had a penchant for theatrics and naval strategy that propelled him into the stuff of legends. David and Dave go toe-to-toe with the salty sea dog and explore who the man behind the beard really was. Did he ransack the Caribbean to his heart’s content, leaving nary a man alive nor a ship unburned? Was he the bloodthirsty, nigh un-killable demon we hear about? Did he hide untold treasure somewhere that is yet unfound? Find out these answers plus the winner of week 3 of the Miss Cryptid Contest – just make sure to grab your flour and wine, and keep those fuses burning slow for this episode of the podcast! (Short Bio, Fact v Fiction, Additional Details)